Active Aging Week offers free materials to support your campaign success. Developed over time, this resource library offers guidance for planning and delivery of your events. Materials are provided as PDFs, jpegs, PowerPoints and Word documents.
Planning information
Discover resources such as planning guides and worksheets that give practical guidance for hosting Active Aging Week events. Also, gain a wealth of ideas from articles highlighting experiences of past host organizations.
![Active Aging Week Five Month Planning Guide](images/planningguides/five-monthplan-non2019.jpg)
Active Aging Week five-month-plan
![Active Aging Week Five Month Planning Guide](images/planningguides/matrix-non2019.jpg)
Active Aging Week five-month-marketing-matrix
![Active Aging Week Five Month Planning Guide](images/planningguides/planningchecklist-Non2019.jpg)
Active Aging Week planning checklist
Planning guide examples
Active Aging Week: kicking off the planning stage
Active Aging Week: prepare your action plan (theme and 12-week plan)
Start the publicity machine for Active Aging Week
Set your goals for Active Aging Week
Plan for Active Aging Week
Promote Active Aging Week through public officials
How to request a proclamation or a letter from a public official to recognize Active Aging Week
How to get the most out of your involvement in Active Aging Week
The value of partnerships for Active Aging Week
Launch your planning cycle for Active Aging Week
Develop your marketing plan for Active Aging Week
How to solicit donations for Active Aging Week
Countdown to Active Aging Week
Past campaign program examples
2017: Inspiring wellness
2016: Exploring the possibilities
2015: Live your adventure
2014: Let the adventure begin
2013: Discover your community
2012: Many journey's, many destinations
2011: Expand your experiences
2010: Be active your way
2009 campaign
2008 campaign
2007 campaign
2006 campaign